Financial Insights Blog

Following the Evidence

March 11th, 2013 by admin2

I am writing today to update you on our thoughts and recent actions. When I wrote last, we expressed our concerns about fiscal policy and the risks it presents to the US and Global economy. We are happy to report that, since then, two major policy hurdles have been navigated with outcomes way more constructive than meets the eye.

First, as the clock struck midnight, a deal was negotiated to tax the rich but it included virtually no spending concessions. Despite groans from the fiscal conservatives, the deal wasn’t capitulation – it was a coup! The Bush tax cuts were made permanent for everyone who’s joint adjusted growth income is under $450K and for single tax payers under 400K. In addition the current, more generous, estate tax laws are here to stay as well. This deal amounts to a more than 3.6 trillion dollar reduction in taxes over the next 10 years. And even though the temporary payroll tax holiday expired, that’s also a positive. Don’t they pay for the real budget problems – Social Security and Medicare? And no spending cuts? Now that we’ve taxed the rich and increased Social Security taxes, I guess the conversation has to focus on spending. Right?

The second policy hurdle negotiated was the “sequester.” On March 1st, across the board spending cuts were triggered. Now I’ll agree that across the board cuts are unnecessary and don’t address the real spending problems, but they equal 1.2 trillion dollars in reduced spending and probably kept the US from another cut to its credit rating. More importantly, however, these cuts will affect a lot of people that have no idea what “sequester” means. The majority of people have been insulated from feeling any of the pain and sacrifice we often hear we should anticipate. How is that good? When Meals on Wheels and Head Start programs get cut, when security lines get long at the airport, when people realize we can’t train our troops or protect our interests and citizens around the World, they will scream bloody murder. Hopefully that will light the fire that spurs our politicians to address the real, structural deficit.

A grand deal still needs to be realized, but it really is attainable. Most agree that broadening the tax code and raising more revenue is inevitable. Debt and demographics require it. Many states are already taking the lead. Tax reform proposals abound. Most also agree that entitlement programs must be reformed now, before it’s too late, to care for our aging, sick, and poor. When the noise level from the majority gets loud enough, I think a reelection focused Washington will have no choice but to act.

So what have we been doing? Immediately after the massive tax cut deal, we added to a variety of equity positions. We’ve focused on areas that have been hurt the most in the great recession and that probably will continue to rebound like real estate, global and developing markets, and technology. We’ve even added exposure to small/mid-cap equities while reducing bonds and cash.

Despite all the pessimism and worry, the recent more constructive negotiations have allowed the economy to continue to grow. Consumer confidence was much better than expected in February. New home sales jumped 15.6%, much higher than consensus estimates. 4th Quarter GDP was revised to a positive rather than a negative number. Chicago PMI rose in February pointing to continued manufacturing expansion in the region. ISM manufacturing index was stronger than expected in February. And while the economy certainly hasn’t reached “escape velocity” yet, the evidence would suggest it’s continuing to move in the right direction.

In closing, thank you for your trust and confidence. 2012 was a very profitable year. We believe 2013 can also be rewarding. We’ll keep a close eye on things so you can focus on useful distractions, like watching your favorite investigative crime show. We will continue to “follow the evidence”.


Donald Miller
CEO / Principal

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results. Stock investing involves risk including loss of principal. The prices of small and mid-cap stocks are generally more volatile than large cap stocks. International investing involves special risks such as currency fluctuation and political instability and may not be suitable for all investors. Investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) involves special risks such as potential illiquidity and may not be suitable for all investors. There is no assurance that the investment objectives of this program will be attained.

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

November 23rd, 2012 by admin2

Recently I wrote to alert you to our defensive positioning and significant sale of equities. Today I want to expand on my thoughts and give you an insight on how others view the landscape.

First the good. Slow growth has continued. Low rates have finally helped the housing market to begin to recover. The weaker dollar has helped our manufacturing sector strengthen. It is even possible that the United States can become energy independent. At the State level, reform of public benefits has begun. Of course they have no choice. The States must balance their budget every year – no deficits allowed.

So what’s bad? How about a potential expiration of massive tax breaks (the fiscal cliff), the largest increase in taxes in the country’s history (Obama Care), mandatory across the board spending cuts (required to raise the debt ceiling last year), the debt ceiling fast approaching again (as early as January depending upon tax receipts), and it being a question of when, not if, Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear facilities (we saw what the Spring Arab Revolt did to oil prices in 2011). Oh, and I didn’t mention Europe. Clearly the bad things seemingly threaten to derail the good things. It could get ugly.

So what are others thinking? The day after the election I attended an advanced wealth management conference in Denver hosted by LPL Financial. Burt White, their Chief Investment Officer, looked at five reasons why the markets are struggling. First, he identified Greece and the European social protests over fiscal austerity. Second, he said it looks like German banks are becoming stressed by the European fiscal crisis. Next, he mentioned the once in a decade change in the Chinese Ruling Party. Fourth, corporate earnings aren’t great (they are actually negative), and finally he said – the election outcome. And by that he meant, as I did when I called it the worst possible outcome, there is no change in the political power structure in Washington. And, of course, the inability to forge compromise is why we have all of the looming issues I just mentioned.

So what is his take on the fiscal cliff? When all the tax breaks expire and the spending cuts are enacted, we will have “fiscal tightening” of about 3.5% of 2013 estimated GDP. Typically a tightening of 1.5% results in a recession. Interestingly, Burt suggested 3 possible outcomes to the fiscal cliff and handicapped them as to their probability. He put the bear case – going over the cliff – at 30%. The base case – compromise – at 55%, and the bull case – a long-term solution – at 15%.

So what is the bear case expected to look like? Gridlock, recession, credit downgrades, technical default on US debt, at least a 25% drop in stock prices. By the way, he mentioned that in 1969, we had a 3% fiscal tightening and stocks dropped 36%, ouch!

How about the base case? Republicans will compromise. They have more to lose. Going over the cliff means tax increases on the middle class and wealthy and cuts to defense spending with no required cuts in entitlements. Instead of 3.5% tightening, we will end up with 1.5%. The compromise. Payroll tax cuts expire, most of the required spending cuts happen, middle class tax cuts are extended, maybe a new “wealthy” tax bracket, unemployment benefits are extended and another AMT patch is applied. To me it also sounds most probable but it is just another bandaid. Wasn’t a 1.5% tightening recessionary anyway?

The bull case. That requires reforming the tax code and entitlement programs. That requires political courage. So what was the political strategist’s take on the election and these issues? Since Burt was downright depressing, you’d figure that someone who covers politics would sugarcoat it, right? Wrong.

Greg Valliere, Chief Political Strategist of the Potomac Research Group, began by suggesting Republicans got their butt kicked because there is a demographic tsunami going on. The Hispanic vote is growing and the Democrats got 73% of it. He wondered if the Republican party, as we know it, would ever win another Presidency. He predicted the near term to be extremely volatile and projected two scenarios on the fiscal cliff. One, we don’t fall off in January – cuts will probably be extended until the 1st or 2nd quarter of 2013 (sounds like kick the can to me). Or two, we get total acrimony on the 22nd of December when Congress adjourns. He said President Obama is not a good politician – not engaging and pragmatic like President Reagan and President Clinton, but rather aloof. He thought a grand deal on the deficit was probably not on the table because there was not enough political leadership in the current administration. As you can probably guess by now, they were taking away the sharp objects in the room. Greg concluded by saying we overlook geopolitics at our own peril. Israel and Iran. When will Netanyahu move? Three months? After the presentation we all promptly reconvened at the local pub for therapy.

So now you know why I am a little defensive. In fact, more so than at any time in my more than three decades of advising. But we do have a plan – even multiple plans. Policy has implications and there will be winners and losers. It is our job to identify them and with the help of our vast resources develop strategies to make prudent investments. Even while we are waiting for the dust to settle a little, we are updating our own bear, base, and bull case allocations. By the way, our current actions reflect the pre-planning decisions we made last year. We are constantly looking to manage downside risks and identify opportunities. This time will be no different. There will always be good and bad. It doesn’t have to get ugly!


Donald Miller

Greater Midwest Financial Group, LLC.
102 N Karlov Ave
Chicago, IL 60624-3047

Securities Offered Through LPL Financial

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results.

Client Update November 9, 2012

November 19th, 2012 by admin2

I wanted to touch base with you during this very busy and hectic time. Early last month and especially the day after the election we took profits in equity positions based on a number of factors. We felt it was necessary to take a more defensive stance. Because we felt that much of the recent gains were based on the market bidding in a change in the white house and/or congress, which we did not get, we thought it timely to lock up some profits. Instead, in our opinion the worst case scenario has developed. We have more of the same. Additionally, our concerns were magnified on the day after the election with discussions about Germany’s economy slowing and by Greece’s renewed resistance to austerity measures. Also, later in the day it became apparent that the key participants in negotiating an attempt to avoid the fiscal cliff are still deeply divided. Unfortunately, the truth is that even if we get a compromise to avoid the fiscal cliff all solutions will be drags on growth – both decreased spending and higher taxes are significant problems for an economy growing as slowly as ours is.

We know that in some cases we will be triggering gains on a number of positions, but we also felt that any solution to the fiscal cliff will likely mean higher taxes on investment-related income such as capital gains and dividends. And don’t forget that Obama Care will begin to impose a 3.8% tax for high income investors starting January 1, 2013.

I want to keep this brief because I am currently in Denver at an investment and tax conference to discuss the implications of the current environment and the results of our election. I will discuss some of those implications in a correspondence that I plan to write next week. I thought it was important to keep you abreast of what we are doing in an attempt to protect your profits and capital as well as navigate a clearly changing income and estate tax environment.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything with us in more detail, please feel free to contact me. Also, look for my update soon.

As always, we appreciate your trust and confidence. Have a great weekend!


Donald J. Miller

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. The economic forecasts set forth in this communication may not develop as predicted and there can be no guarantee that strategies promoted will be successful.

August Market Update

August 29th, 2012 by admin2

Where’s the Growth? – Opportunities in Emerging Economies

The overall sentiment of the market and global economy has continued to swing back and forth between confidence and skepticism. More soft data points, political bickering, stubborn unemployment, etc. continue to plague us, but there are opportunities to be had even though the future is cloudy. Believe it or not, there are areas we view optimistically.

Many companies have reported solid earnings recently with 73% of the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 beating earning expectations for the second quarter, despite the economic soft patch we hit and the Eurozone’s financial issues. Corporations have shored up balance sheets and have reached all-time highs with the amount of cash they have available, putting them in generally strong and healthy financial positions. However, political inaction and the inability of the lawmakers in Washington and in other developed countries to make effective policy decisions has created vast uncertainty. The Europeans struggle to set aside their pasts and cultural differences to form any type of fiscal or banking union although it seems apparent they need a more unified approach. In Washington, we have two diametrically opposed parties who have become so polarized that they can’t find any common ground. These problems are ideological and hinder their abilities to make decisions. Given this polarization and paralysis, companies have opted to compile cash or return it to shareholders in the form of higher dividends or stock repurchases and not re-invest for future growth or spend on additional hiring. On a global level, developing economies currently hold 67% of the world’s total cash reserves compared to 37% in 2000 underlining the relative strengthening of their balance sheets over the past decade. We will likely continue to see slow growth rates and a lack of re-investment in developed economies until this uncertainty dissipates and there is more clarity from lawmakers.

There are areas with strong growth potential however – specifically emerging markets and multinational corporations with revenue streams derived from emerging economies. While the developed world is riddled with the problems of over consumption, astronomical debt, expensive labor forces, and policy inactions, the emerging countries and strong corporations have healthy balance sheets, trade surpluses, serve a growing middle class with an eye to higher living standards, and perhaps most importantly can make and execute policy decisions. While this generates its own risks, these entities will do what’s needed to stimulate their economies or make good investments when appropriate. These factors allow multinationals and developing economies to be much more decisive and direct with the re-deployment of profits and cash that will likely lead towards more growth opportunities in the short and long-term horizons.

Multinationals have already begun to re-deploy their cash through building manufacturing plants, ramping up advertising campaigns, and opening offices abroad. Although the demand from developed nations in emerging markets is expected to slow, there is a lot of room for domestic demand growth and investment, especially relative to domestic demand growth in developed nations, as living standards and incomes rise for the consumers in these emerging economies. They are growing rapidly and have the financial means, demographics and desire to become larger global players. Of course, the million dollar question is when to add exposure to this volatile market segment.

For more discussion on that and other points we have included two articles from portfolio managers at PIMCO and Oppenheimer funds on the outlook for emerging markets, where opportunities exist, how specific countries are shaping up, the effects of the Eurozone outcome on these opportunities and more.

We hope you find this interesting and useful as we continue in our effort to provide you with our thoughts and insights. White swans?! Believe it or not – they do exist. If you have questions or would like to discuss anything in more detail. Please give us a call.

PIMCO Outlook Series June 2012
Oppenheimer Focus Piece 2012

Robert J. Miller
Wealth Advisor/VP Operations
Greater Midwest Financial Group, LLC.
102 N Karlov Ave
Chicago, IL 60624-3047

Securities Offered Through LPL Financial

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results. All indices are unmanaged and may not be invested into directly. Stock investing involves risk including loss of principal. International investing involves special risks such as currently fluctuation and political instability and may not be suitable for all investors.

June 2012 Market Update

June 13th, 2012 by bobbyp


Risk on, risk off. I sometimes feel as if I am watching a “clap on, clap off” commercial. I mentioned when I last wrote that slow growth, uncertainty, volatility and a substantial correction were all likely. We’ve seen all of that.

Since my last correspondence we have navigated this wave of uncertainty by taking profits and raising our cash and ultra short term bond positions. In early April we followed up our technology related stock sales with two additional moves to reduce US and global stocks and convertible and high yield bonds. In early May we quickly cut our global stock exposure after the anti-austerity votes by the Greek and Dutch. Especially problematic was the ouster of France’s leader and his replacement by a “socialist” politician. While I don’t feel austerity alone can solve Europe’s problems, or the US’s for that matter, the jettison of Europe’s current plan without a credible replacement could create a shock – hence the wave of uncertainty. We also have reacted to the softer US data points that have emerged this Spring.

So where are we now? Taking profits and reducing risk have paid off. By early June major stock market averages had given back all or most of the year’s gains. We were able to mute the effect of that negative wave of uncertainty considerably.

What are our biggest concerns? Policy risks!! – not just from European leaders, but from our own. If no actions are taken by year end, we face a fiscal cliff. A 600 billion dollar tax hike will hit Americans. Ouch! And energy, food and other commodity speculation is still rampant and damaging. Economists say in theory that speculation doesn’t change prices over the long haul, but they can cause 20% distortions in current prices. If gas prices are $.75 or $1.00 higher per gallon than real demand dictates, and that happens every time it looks like the economy is starting to gain some momentum, it steals the average persons discretionary income in a big way. It robs them of money they should be spending on automobiles and televisions. And when those prices persist until it looks like we are maybe headed back into recession, consumers change their behavior. They cannot, or will not, commit to major purchases, like buying houses and instead continue to worry about their jobs.

Where are we headed next? Down the same road but the next wave is probably up. Gas prices are currently down almost 25% from recent peaks. Consumer spending will likely strengthen data points in the coming months — at least until they get squeezed again. Europe has no choice but to address their issues now. They need a fiscal union, not just a loose monetary one. At a minimum, they need coordinated and supportive banking policies to prevent runs on banks and to deal with poorly capitalized ones. But solutions are achievable.

And what about our US politicians? The Governor Walker recall election results seem to indicate that spending constraints are supported by US voters. Now if only we can get support for raising additional revenues, in my opinion best done with a national sales tax, we might actually get on a sustainable fiscal path ourselves.

So, prospects for higher growth are really possible. Housing prices appear to have stabilized in most areas of the country. In the absence of any major shocks … you get the idea.

In closing, after May’s pullback we recently added to our consumer discretionary position. Once again, America’s amazing consumers are the engine that’s powering the global economy. We remain cautious but alert at the wheel. Hopefully gas prices will behave so we all can enjoy the summer driving. But don’t forget to wear your seat belt, just in case.


Donald J. Miller, CFP®

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results. Bonds are subject to market and interest rate risk if sold prior to maturity. Bond values will decline as interest rates rise and bonds are subject to availability and change in price.

May 2012 Market Update

May 7th, 2012 by Don Miller


Stocks enjoyed very strong gains during the quarter. In fact, it was a quarter of milestones for the broad averages, with the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 breaking through to new post-financial crisis highs, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (The Dow) eclipsing the 13,000 level for the first time since May 2008, and the NASDAQ reaching 3,000 for the first time in over a decade. The quarter’s gains leave the S&P 500 11% short of the all-time highs set in October 2007 and 30% above the 2011 lows set six months ago in October. The solid returns for the broad market were driven primarily by improving U.S. economic news, most notably jobs and consumer data, and investors increasing comfort with Europe’s challenges.

So what do you do after a quarter like that? Stay objective and keep things in balance! That’s why for our income and most conservative investors we recently took profits on our tech heavy positions. Hopefully you remember we made significant investments in that area in March 2009. So, after a large run up, over 20% in the 1st quarter alone, it made sense to trim those positions to more targeted weightings.

Where did we rebalance to? To a more conservative, out of favor, and/or more income oriented investments. We added to clients bond ladders, buying intermediate corporate bonds in the financial sector. We added a position in high quality preferred stocks that are expected to pay solid, tax efficient, qualified dividends. We also established a position with a real estate income focus. Yes, it really looks like prices are stabilizing and probably headed north.

You might ask, if we expect this bull market to continue, albeit with a possible significant correction and increased volatility, why was this action important for our investors taking income from their portfolio? There are two answers. The first lies in the difference between portfolios in distribution (ones that are taking regular withdrawals) and ones that are not. If you’re a growth investor and the market goes up 7%, down, and back up, you get the 7%. If you rely on your portfolios for living expenses and take money out regularly, some of that money will be taken out when the market is down and therefore will not be around to rebound. You won’t get the full 7%. So, managing fluctuations and volatility are critical to the success of an investor requiring withdrawals.

The second reason is that clients who rely on regular distributions also need to have a high percentage of their pay out funded by predictable interest and dividend payments – if they want their money to last. Selling something to pay expenses can be a disaster. Sometimes everything is down (think about the last few years). And we all know that if you have to sell when the market is down… it is not so pretty. So, taking profits from non income producing areas and using them to boost the cash flow that supports required payouts is a double benefit. Managing risk and structuring more certain outcomes are critical to successful retirement income planning. And you thought we were just buying low and selling high!

Well, that’s it for today. I hope you appreciate the market update and some insight into the science that guides our decision making. There’s a lot going on so I’m sure I will be in touch soon. In the meantime if you have any questions, do not hesitate to call.

Donald J. Miller, CFP®

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results. All indices are unmanaged and may not be invested into directly. The market value of corporate bonds will fluctuate, and if the bond is sold prior to maturity, the investor’s yield may differ from the advertised yield. Stock investing involves risk including loss of principal. Investing in specific industries is subject to higher risks and volatility than investing more broadly.

February 2012 Market Update

February 22nd, 2012 by Don Miller

I’m writing to update you on current market conditions and other noteworthy items.  We promised to give you our thoughts more frequently and to try to avoid lengthy letters.  So here it goes.

 Year-to-date returns in most clients’ accounts are up substantially.  As we suggested, a lack of black swans is creating an environment where the drumbeat of slow steady growth is getting louder; and while many are jumping on the wagon to get “caught up”, we thankfully are not. 

 We added to US equities three times in the last quarter based on methodical portfolio and macroeconomic analysis – not based on market timing.  Because we held the line on protecting assets in last year’s eventful and volatile markets, our returns over the last 13 months have, we feel, been strong – especially on a risk-adjusted basis and especially in light of the Fed’s zero short-term rate policy and historically low long-term rates. 

 And, despite the temptation to sell now and wait for the big correction, we think we need to take this opportunity to take profits and more normally weight portfolios – reduce overweighting in large cap value and bonds and rebalance to add global and mid-cap exposure.

 The issue of what areas will do best in the year ahead seem to be based on credit conditions.  Do they favor “risk on” or “risk off” assets? 

 We see credit improvement on three fronts. 

 One, consumers are expanding revolving credit use – probably because of an improving job picture. 

 Two, fear is subsiding that Europe’s financial crisis will cause a global meltdown.  Ironically, Greece’s fiscal pain may be spurring other nations to fund a solution and avoid the nasty repercussions if it spreads.  There’s even talk of market-based labor reforms in Europe – not just austerity.  I wonder if it will spur spending and tax reform here before it’s too late. 

 Three, serious discussion is underway about reflating the housing market with more quantitative easing and potentially meaningful foreclosure forbearance.  Stabilizing housing prices and lower refinanced monthly payments should help consumers boost the economy. 

 So, if the trends continue, we need to more evenly weight the areas we minimized last year – the “risk on” assets like financials, Europe, and commodities.  To be sure, we have a disaster plan in place should certain events interrupt or reverse these trends.  However, we know our job is to focus on what is, not what ifs.

 Before closing, I want to quickly mention a couple of other items. 

You may have noticed that year-end LPL Financial reports show ex-dividend payments as a decline in market value.  They add back the capital gains and dividends in the dividend column.  So while December was essentially flat from a performance standpoint, it would appear that accounts had a large decrease in market value that month.  This wasn’t so glaring in prior years because either the year-end was up sharply or funds didn’t pay a lot of gains out because they had stored capital loss carryforwards from the financial crash years.  However, in every period a dividend or gain is paid, it negatively impacts the “increase or decrease in market value” entry.  And gains and dividends paid are a hugely positive event.  Please see this LPL Market Value Letter of Explanation that explains this in more detail.

 Finally, I want to remind you of the income and estate tax uncertainty that surrounds our planning this year. 

 Provisions such as making tax-free distributions from IRAs to charities, deducting state taxes on your federal returns and relieving many from the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) were not extended last year.  Also looming large are the Bush-era tax cuts and the expansion of the Federal Gift & Estate Tax Credit.  Both are set to expire this year.  Because of the current deficits, and polarization of Congress and the White House, we expect the debate will probably extend into the 11th hour.  The final resolution may largely depend on the outcome of the elections and the politicized dynamics of the so called “lame duck” Congress.  Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better!  Right.

 Alright, so I did okay on the reporting more often but not the lengthy letter.  Either I like to talk or there’s a whole lot going on, probably both.  Thanks for the trust and confidence.  Talk with you soon.


Donald J. Miller, CFP®

LPL Registered Principal

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.  To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing.  All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results.  All indices are unmanaged and may not be invested into directly.  Stock investing involves risk including loss of principal.  International investing involves special risks such as currency fluctuation and political instability and may not be suitable for all investors.  Mid-capitalization companies are subject to higher volatility than those of large-capitalized companies.  The fast price swings in commodities and currencies will result in significant volatility in an investor’s holdings.

2011 in Review and Our 2012 Outlook

January 16th, 2012 by Don Miller

I am writing to extend our warmest greetings and wishes for a Happy New Year.  This is the long “awaited” annual letter – in summary version – that reviews 2011, provides our update on recent market activity and our outlook for 2012.

 A Year In Summary

2011 was a year of highs, lows, volatility and uncertainty.  While the year started opportunistically, with hopes for an accelerated recovery from the great recession, by the end of September, all equity markets were in major negative territory.

  • Overseas and commodity markets took it on the chin especially hard and US markets were not immune either.  Many factors contributed to the fear that gripped the world’s economies.
    • Predictions of a double dip recession in the U.S.
    • A collapse of the European financial system
    • The default of major European countries on their sovereign debt
    • The slowdown in Asia as a result of a European recession
    • The shutdown of local governments and the US losing its AAA credit rating as politicians grappled with a soaring Federal debt and calls for austerity measures
    • Soaring oil prices, caused by the Spring Arab Revolts that did stop growth in its tracks temporarily
  • Fidelity reported that average 401(k) balances declined approximately 12% in the third quarter alone.
  • Fortunately, all the negative sentiment that was spawned by these events was met with modestly improving US economic news – hence, there was massive volatility on both the upside and downside in most asset classes.

 Our Actions

 Against that backdrop we initiated many defensive measures in our client’s accounts. 

  • We sold our pure commodity exposure in April at a profit
  • We took some profits on stocks in June
  • Due to the extreme pessimism and potential for “black swans” rising we felt compelled, during the fall, to put a hedge against disaster in play and we spoke with many of our clients directly to discuss it in detail.

 We felt that putting the hedge in place allowed us to put cash and bonds back to work in primarily US equity markets. 

  • Remember, the data still supports a slow, moderate expansion of our economy
  • Recent unemployment reports were the best since early 2008
  • Consumer confidence and manufacturing also improved considerably
  • Retail sales were solid
  • The surge in multi-family housing starts was surprisingly good

 Finally, we capped off the year with tax selling and repositioning of our infrastructure and recovery investment to a similar opportunity we thought was well positioned for the year ahead.

 In the end, we feel we accomplished a primary goal of capital preservation very successfully.  The year was not as profitable as the prior two however.

 For the record 2011 indexes are as follows:

             S&P 500                                                            0.0%

            DJ-UBS Commodity Index                         – 13.32%

            Russell 2000                                                    – 4.18%

            NASDAQ                                                            - 1.8%

            Barclays Aggregate Bond                          + 7.84%

            European & Far East Index                       - 11.73%

            MSCI Emerging Markets Free                  - 18.17%

 The Sectors that fared the worst in 2011 were financials, materials, and industrials as worries over double-dip recession and Europe’s financial meltdown hurt those areas.  Defensive sectors such as utilities, consumer staples and health care fared the best.

 Our 2012 Outlook

 So what’s ahead?  

  • Recently we posted LPL Financial’s 2012 outlook.  They see the US economy growing at about 2%, while emerging markets grow faster and Europe faces a mild recession.  They feel that US stocks and corporate bonds will post gains while Treasury prices (the beneficiaries of last year’s flight to safety) will fall as the yield on the 10 year rises to 3%. 
  • However, Goldman Sachs’ forecast is for “Stagnation”.  And PIMCO’s managing director, Bill Gross, says “investors must lower their return expectations” and “prepare for bimodal outcomes”.  It’s his way of saying anything could happen.
  • There are a wide variety of both optimistic and pessimistic outlooks for 2012, but consensus is for continued moderate global growth

 We believe LPL Financial’s forecasts are most likely but fully agree that both significant upside and downside scenarios could emerge.

 On the first trading day of 2012 Europe rallied but Iran wants a fight and oil prices jumped 4%.  US equity and commodity markets were also strong.  But day 2? – back to uncertainty. 

 So …

  • It seems most likely that the US Economy will be the engine that pulls the world forward again
  • Asia will feel the effects of a European slowdown / recession but will likely continue to grow
  • While it is very possible that oil prices could get away, it’s also probable that  Iran’s bark is worse that its bite and probable that MF Global’s demise will speed regulation of damaging speculative derivative trading
  • It’s also possible that the European currency could dissolve, but it’s more probable that it won’t because of the massive trade benefits it provides European members
  • Greece could drop out but that probably would be a positive given where things are currently at
  • And yes, while it’s possible that US political gamesmanship could badly erode confidence in a brighter future or our credit rating, it’s more probable it will be toned down because no one wants to be seen as the “bad guy” in this Presidential Election year.  And aren’t those US presidential election years usually good for the markets?

 In closing, there is an amazing amount of uncertainty and we understand that you want us to keep you informed and want us to help you make sense of the many issues swirling around. 

 We’ll provide shorter, but informative updates on not just the markets in the year ahead but also on election, tax and estate planning issues.

 Let’s not forget that the Bush tax cuts and current estate planning laws all expire this year.

 Have a healthy and prosperous New Year. 

 As always call anytime or contact us through our website.

 Your feedback is always welcomed.

Donald J. Miller, CFP®

LPL Registered Principal

 The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.  To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing.  All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results.  All indices are unmanaged and may not be invested into directly.  Stock investing involves risk including loss of principal.

LPL’s 2012 Outlook

January 5th, 2012 by Don Miller

Please click on the link below to view the LPL 2012 Oulook.

LPL’s 2012 Outlook – Summary

October Market Commentary

October 18th, 2011 by Don Miller

It has been a tumultuous third quarter with the Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500 index down 15% since mid-July. Essentially, global markets have largely priced in a recession.  Indeed sentiment data, like consumer confidence, has been decidedly negative, but key economic data has been positive. Last week the Labor Department reported solid gains in jobs and revised the previous month’s estimates higher as well.  Also, the Institute of Supply Management (ISM) data confirmed a slowly expanding economy.  In fact, estimates for third quarter growth are in the 2 to 2 ½% range – hardly a recession.

So what’s creating all the angst and volatility and what are we doing about it?

Clearly, concerns about ineffective policies, here and abroad, to deal with European debt problems and sputtering US growth and job concerns are the chief culprits.  Fortunately, it looks like Europe is getting serious about its sovereign debt issues.  Recently, they authorized a US-style TARP fund to ensure its banks will remain solvent.  But they’re not out of the woods yet.  And, unfortunately, because next year’s elections are looming, US policy decisions remain fractured and politically motivated.  Therefore, we believe volatility will continue over the next year.

Our response?  We want to hedge portfolios against excessive volatility. In fact we believe we can even potentially profit from it.  In order to try and accomplish this, we’ve done two things. First, we sold a position that was diversely invested but typically actively hedged against downturns.  However, through the summer decline, it essentially did no hedging.  So we made the decision to try to better position the money.  Second, with the proceeds of the sale, we’ve worked to identity an opportunity to try and use the volatility of the S&P index to our advantage.  This index volatility typically rises with concerns about recessions, debt crises, oil price shocks, natural disasters, terror attacks, and policy mistakes.  Because it is complicated, however, we intend to speak to every client before implementing it in your portfolio.

The other action we have recently taken is to reestablish our position in an investment similar to the one we took profits in last June.  We feel slow growth and profitability will continue despite policy concerns.  Since we sold our unhedged position last month, we feel we need reasonable exposure to growth and convertible bonds. 

In summary, it has been an interesting last month or two.  However, we not only have a plan for continued slow growth and volatile markets, we are executing it in a way that attempts to manage risk and take advantage of opportunities.  We plan to contact everyone affected by our strategy change.  In the meantime, of course, feel free to contact or call us to initiate discussion or with questions or concerns.  We always appreciate hearing from you.

Best regards,

Donald J. Miller, CFP®

LPL Registered Principal

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.  To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing.  All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results.  All indices are unmanaged and may not be invested into directly.  Bonds are subject to market and interest rate risk if sold prior to maturity.  Bond values and yields will decline as interest rates rise and bonds are subject to availability and change in price.